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petite blonde step sis evelyn payne tease and squirts

My petite step sis, Evelyn Payne, invited me into her room while our parents weren’t home. She had no idea what to wear for her date that night so she asked me for advice. First, she started out by asking what top she should wear, and then she pressed on for what she should wear under it. I was freaked out but she assured me I had seen her in a bikini before. I totally gave in but she put on the most seductive smile and outfit. Dressed in white lingerie, she took everything way too far. She confessed that she needed a guy she could trust to teach her everything about what to do in bed. After much talking and back and fourth, I finally decided to give in. She stripped down butt ass naked, showing off her petite and tan body. She didn’t wait and slide her mouth around my cock exactly like I told her to. Eventually, I stretched out her tight wet pussy, teaching her how to squirt, and covering her in cum.

  • 00:45:52
  • Mar 15, 2023
  • 369


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