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petite blonde emma sirius loves backshots and facials - real girls fuck

Petite blonde, Emma Sirius, always had a crush on me. The crazy thing is that she’s my older step brothers ex girlfriend. I always thought she was annoying although she did have pretty blue eyes and a nice body. I only knew because her girl friends would tell me and my step bro would get pissed about it. I couldn’t help it and there was nothing I could do. I finally thought about it a few months later and she did seem pretty hot. I decided to make a move like I clearly would’ve with any other girl I was interested in. There was no thinking about it, she said yes, and that she’s been waiting for me to ask. I couldn’t keep my hands off of her, she acted so innocent, yet she was such a whore. She told me she never put out for my step brother and she’d make sure I come back for more. I took turns putting her into different positions, stretching out her tight wet pussy, until I came all over her face.

  • 00:10:55
  • Mar 14, 2023
  • 194


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