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blonde step mom & her friend uses step son s cock - families fantasies - crystal clark & kaiya

My Step Mom, Crystal Clark, had her friend Kaiya Rose over for dinner one night. I thought we were finally going to have a night to hangout after I got back from college. I was so stressed with exams I just wanted a night to catch up. Visibly annoyed, my step mom told me to relax and that I shouldn’t worry about anything. After dinner, she told me to come to her room and sit down. She explained how she knew I was stressed so she invited her friend over. I had no idea what that had to do with anything but she told me to slide my pants off. We obviously fucked before but my step mom and I never talk about it. She walks in completely naked with her friend and I gas. They both told me to shush and relax. Next thing I know, they were running their tongues up and down the shaft of my cock. In no time, my cock was sharing the both of their tight wet pussy’s and I was covering them both in cum.

  • 00:18:44
  • Mar 12, 2023
  • 532


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