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english classes with bailey,jasmine webb by vipissy

VIPissy presents Bailey,Jasmine Webb in English Classes . Miss Webb s class is in session, and sex education has never been...Well, so sexy. Her curriculum emphasizes on using props to get her students the best hands on experience they can get. With not enough time in her class day, she denies Bailey an opportunity to leave her class to pee. Her desire to teach is pushed to new heights when her sexy student takes a piss - quite appropriately for her - as she demonstrates to Bailey where her pee hole is. Watching Bailey clean up her piss from the floor, Miss Webb is enchanted by Bailey s good looks. Soon the class jumps into the advanced course, teaching Bailey new words and proper procedures. Bailey is a godsend of a student, and she enjoys her teacher s energetic personality. She can t help but smile at Miss Webb s straightforward approach to teaching. Her encouraging words make it much easier for Bailey to excel at everything that she is asked to do and more. Miss Webb congratulates

  • 00:36:41
  • Sep 17, 2023
  • 324


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