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the beginning of a beautiful threesome

Sofie Reyes came home and found her step mom Sophia Locke masturbating on the living room sofa. She was upset as her boyfriend Johnny Love was supposed to come any minute. Her stepmother convinced her that if she would help, she would be done quicker. So Sofie went to lick some pussy and make some orgasms. As she was about to come Johnny came through the door. She signaled him to go to the bedroom. Then she ded having to go to the bathroom and met with Johnny instead. She wanted his dick deep in her pussy. Men are easily seduced. In no time they were doing it doggy style. His girlfriend was tired of waiting and went to look for her stepmother. She found the two fucking. She gestured to Johnny to stop immediately and come with her. Johnny used some pretext to leave the bedroom and Sofie said he could only make it up to her if he would fuck her right now. So Johnny did. Obviously after some time Sophia started to look for Johnny. Found those two fucking and quickly started to lick Johnny

  • 00:41:15
  • Mar 06, 2023
  • 526


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