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taking dick into account

When we pull up on Jade today the magic word was podcast. I told her we had one, and she came right over to see what we were about. I said we interview people and ask them to do crazy things. She said as an accountant she loves money, so she was down. I offered her five hundred to see her tits, and she told us she was not that kind of girl. Then I offered the five hundred for her panties. To which she said she wasn’t wearing any. My response to that was I would give her two grand to prove she wasn’t. That got her on the bus real quick. As soon as she flashed her pussy Rocket reaches out and grabs it. I start to scold him for not being a gentleman, but Jade doesn’t blame him. She said if he had his dick out, she would grab it. Rocket took it as a challenge and pulled it out. He did not even clear his shorts good before she had it in her hands. In a bold move Rocket asked her could he take off his shorts. Jade said yeah, he should because she is probably going to suck his dick. Rocket an

  • 00:56:33
  • Aug 28, 2024
  • 457


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