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caleb king fucks brandon jones

Caleb King was very excited to meet Brandon Jones. There s nothing more he likes than a versatile, athletic guy with a legendary ass, while Brandon was keen on Caleb s moderately hairy physique and his big dick -- the latter of which was proven as soon as the guys sat down and whipped out their cocks.
Caleb started off giving Brandon a hot blowjob, but then Brandon more than returned the favor. It was like his lips were glued to Caleb s cock, and he made sure to suck him off until Caleb was moaning with excitement.
Caleb couldn t wait to have a piece of Brandon s ass, though, and he made sure to rim him good before nailing him hard on the couch doggy style and then standing up against the window. Brandon soon climaxed once they moved back to the couch, and then Caleb shot his load shortly after. By the size of their loads, you can really tell how much they enjoyed this fuck!
Jake Jaxson

  • 00:19:58
  • Mar 14, 2023
  • 92


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