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hot twink jake orion eats his load

Jake Orion is a Jewish Jersey boy who now resides in Florida. He said some other things, but honestly it was hard to pay attention with those piercing blue eyes staring back at me. He sat at the edge of the pool and showed off his ripped alabaster skin. Every part of his body is rock hard. Including the bulge in his pants. When he finally pulled out his cock, all mouths on set dropped open. This thing is fucking huge. He got totally naked and began to really give his dick all of his attention. Then he moved away from the pool and onto a sun chair. He bent over and let his finger slide right into his fuzzy pink hole. He loved every inch of his finger. Finally he flipped over and started working himself up to cum. He started to jerk himself of really hardcore until he could hold back no longer. He shot a geyser from his anaconda dick and got most of it right into his mouth. He gulped it all down and sat back and relaxed. Just another day for Mr. Jake Orion. This boy is going to blow your mind. Be sure to check out all the free gay porn pics of him here at Randy Blue.

  • 00:16:50
  • Mar 30, 2023
  • 95


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