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group foot worship femdom - one slave serves the bare feet of three mistresses

Three beautiful and powerful girls - Kira, Sofi and Agma threw themselves a party with one foot slave who had to serve three pairs of Princesses bare feet at once. Agma and Sofi are sitting on the table while Mistress Kira comes up to them, leading them like a pet - a foot slave. Kira orders the slave to kneel before the Goddesses, and she sits down next to the Goddesses. Without unnecessary preludes, the impudent girls immediately stretched their feet to the face of the slave, ordering him to carefully lick them and suck on their toes. Sofi and Agma were initially barefoot, but Kira came in socks, so she orders the slave to sniff her dirty socks, and then takes them off and orders them to lick and kiss her already bare feet. The girls first put their feet in the slave s mouth one by one, then two Mistresses at once put their toes in the slave s mouth. But the most interesting thing was waiting for the slave ahead - the girls ordered him to open his mouth wide and at the same time thr

  • 00:08:41
  • Mar 02, 2023
  • 323


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