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This week we got a nice hottie for you guys, a real man s man. We were driving around on this rainy day looking for some cock for Jamie when we spotted this construction guy, or I think he was a roofer, I don t know something of that manly sort. Anyways
he was walking in the light rain when we offered him a ride, and he took it. Little did he know what he was in for. Carmela started showing him her huge tits and then the next thing you know she was blindfolding him without any hesitation on his part. What guys do to get a liitle head from a hot chick. Anyways this motherfucker spazzed the fuck out when he took his blindfold off. But it didn t take much convincing before he was up Jamie s ass. Anyways I ll leave the rest for you guys to watch. Enjoy.

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 09, 2006
  • 96


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