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decompressing in ponce s booty!

It s a shitty, rainy day out here in Miami, but no need to worry folks. Bait Bus is still on the prowl for our next victim. Ponce needs his weekly dose of cock shoved deep inside his little love hole. Therefore, Ponce s side-kick Vanessa is on the look out. She spots a handsome hunk through scattered showers and hops out the van in hopes of a score. Sure enough this yellow-boned hunk was drying off in the Bait Bus. As things heat up after he takes off his shirt and blind-folded. Ponce takes the leap of faith and goes in for the cock. Putting it in a -hold that was hard to resist. The sensation drove him nuts. He just had to look. He took off the blind-fold in hopes that he can watch Vanessa suck his cock. Oops! Guess again. It s our sexy freckled heart throb Ponce, at the tip of his cock. Need I say more. Don t miss out on this new update of Bait Bus. There s lots of ass pounding to witness. Enjoy!

  • 00:51:18
  • Jan 27, 2011
  • 80


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