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that bitch can suck a dick!

We caught Jackson waiting for us in the sex shop. He was sent here by Steve, who told him about a chick who loves to give free blowjobs. We lead him straight into room number 5, where he came face to face with our girl. Jackson needed no other invitations. His dick was out and through that hole faster than you can blink. What a sucker! I thought it would take at least a few minutes to get him to play ball. Like a champ, Zac slides on in and stuffs Jackson s rock hard cock in his mouth. He works his shit good, shoving it deep down his throat. It ends up being too good for Jackson to handle, as he blows his shit down the back of Zac s esophagus. Jackson leaves none the wiser! Mission accomplished once again! Enjoy!

  • 00:17:24
  • Oct 11, 2011
  • 325


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