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hardening your image

Another week, another cruse around the town looking for straight dudes. We decided to hit up Miami Beach and, sure enough, we got a good one. We caught Colby walking around, taking in the nice Miami sun and checking out soccer moms as they walk their dogs n shit. That s right fellas, Colby is into milfs. The straight of the straight! He was a little apprehensive at first, but that soon changed after he saw Alexis in the back. With the promise of $200, the bait was set. We did the traditional chit chat and what not. I could tell his attention was elsewhere, though. I got fed up with it so I told Alexis to just put her tits in his face. Soon we had him down to his birthday suit, ready for a blindfolded dick suck! He had a pretty nice dick for a burly white boy. Of course things don t just end at that. You know what we do! With the promise of some pussy and more money, straight guys will do just about anything! Enjoy!

  • 00:59:42
  • Jan 26, 2012
  • 231


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