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step moms will fuck the stress away

walks in on her boyfriend Ethan getting jerked off in the shower by a hot older woman. She loses it and starts to leave. Naked, Ethan gives chase and tells her it is not what it looks like. He is not cheating it is his step mom. He explains to her that, they relieve each other’s stress by helping each other cum. feeling so embarrassed by her mistake would like to apologize to his step mom Savanah. The three laughs at the funny misunderstanding. Savanah asks is there anything stressing her out and could they help her too. She is really tight about an upcoming test and would love to try their family technique. Savanah begins to pleasure her with her tongue. After great orgasm, realizes they never gave Ethan any release. The two of them work together to empty Ethan s balls. Ethan definitely takes out all his stress on them as he fucks away any thing that is bothering him, giving them both a hardcore pounding. He splatters a massive loud all over his step moms face. They agree this was th

  • 00:47:33
  • Jul 22, 2024
  • 1037


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