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a gift from oliver faze

I got a gift for this girl (Mary) I have been talking to for awhile. However when I get to her house Mary is not home to try on what I got her. So I got her roommate (Amanda) to try it on for me instead. Little does she know its see through. Amanda instantly falls in love with the gift but asks me to try on these new boxers she got her boy toy Chad. Amanda always complains that he wears tighty whities. She wants him to look and feel more comfortable. Once I agree to try them on I get my cock nice and HARD in the bathroom. That way it pokes out the boxers for her to see my HUGE BULDGE. When I walk back out to Amanda she is gawking and eye fucking me like crazy. Eventually ripping the boxers down revealing my big huge cock. She starts sucking and stroking till she begs me to fuck her!

  • 00:22:13
  • Feb 22, 2023
  • 2213


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