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stepmom kate stops by my dorm room

First week of can be a real drag, especially if you forgot your laptop at home. I told my step dad about it and he said he would bring it up to me when he got time. Unexpectedly, my Stepmom Kate shows up to my dorm with my laptop in her hands. I was shocked she was even here when she pushes her way into my room. She starts asking me about my classes, if I’ve have made friends, and if I had a new girl friend by now. The whole time she’s talking to me she keeps moving her legs so I can see right up her dress. I quickly notice she does NOT have any panties on…. I can see her nicely shaved pussy. Being the nice stepson I am I ask her if she would like some water. When I turn back around BAM she had ripped off her dress and is butt naked laying in my bed. She wanted to help me release some stress so she starts teasing me by rubbing her pussy. Spreading her lips, rubbing her nice juicy clit she tells me to come over and get some. So I get on the bed when she says No no let me take c

  • 00:20:47
  • Feb 22, 2023
  • 924


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