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krystal davis loves cream in her coffee

Krystal stayed the night so she could have coffee and breakfast with me the next morning. I start making coffee when I realize I am out of creamer. I asked her if any creamer would work and she said “yes”. So instead of telling her I ran out of creamer I decided to make her some of my own. I start vigorously jerking my big cock. Just to be sure I ask her one more time if “any creamer will do”. She very enthusiastically said “yes of course” which is when I turned around and shot my hot milky load all over her and her cup of coffee. Krystal is slightly shocked but not fazed at all. She actually liked me cumming in her coffee. She even later told me that she thought is was so hot and she’d expect me to do that every time she spent the night from now on. Looks like I won’t be buying creamer anymore.

  • 00:12:01
  • Feb 20, 2023
  • 287


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