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getting stepmom lubricated

Justine is out by the pool oiling on a nice day. Parker comes out to see if he can get some oil as well when he notices his step mom Justine has her tits out. He plays koi but she tells him its ok to look because she is not his real step mom. She then tells him that he can make himself useful and rub some oil on her back. Better yet don’t forget to oil up her massive tits. All the rubbing is making Justine hot. So, she tells Parker it is one last spot that needs some attention. Her pussy. he rubs oil and massages it into her clit very thoroughly. Justine now super horny and out of oil, thinks it time to return the favor by lubricating Parkers dick. Since its no more oil she will just have to do it with her mouth. She sucks Parkers hard dick and they start to fuck outside. Justine says she needs to be fucked more properly so they take it inside. He fucks her good and cums all over her face and tits with just enough time to clean up before his step dad gets home.

  • 00:33:18
  • Jun 23, 2024
  • 471


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