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bravo delta & gabriel tag ben rose!

When you throw three dominant guys into a bed together and tell them to fuck, it s always interesting to see which one of them sacrifices his ass for the other two. I knew that it s a tough job convincing Gabriel Clark to bottom (especially when he has his sights set on a hot piece of ass), and Bravo Delta s world famous cock is just too enormous not to be put to good use, so that left the multi-talented Ben Rose.
Ben really means business when he tops, so it was pretty hot to watch Gabriel and Bravo completely overpower him. The two worked well as a team and actually tagged each other so they could each get an equal amount of time plowing Ben s tight hole. It was Gabriel s first time meeting Bravo, but I could tell they were going to get along great. They have a lot in common, after all... they re both no-nonsense tops, they both have huge cocks, and they both used Ben s pecs, abs, and face as a landing ground for their thick, gushing loads!
Jake Jaxson

  • 00:25:50
  • Mar 21, 2023
  • 94


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