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brandon jones fucks allen king

Brandon Jones and Allen King come from very different backgrounds, which almost always makes for some very hot chemistry. And these two did not disappoint! Brandon s a very smooth talker, while Allen can pretty much charm the pants off any guy with his cute smile. While Brandon is usually versatile, he knew from the moment meeting Allen that he wanted to top him hard!
After some hot groping and kissing, Allen pulled Brandon s underwear down to his thighs and got to work sucking on that sexy cock the second it popped out. Allen s a very sensual guy, especially when it comes to blowjobs. And while Brandon can be sensual too, it was clear that he was not going to grant the kind of mercy Allen was expecting! Brandon ripped off Allen s pants and began rimming him which led them both to a hot sixty-nine on the couch. Then Brandon propped Allen up on his knees so he could tease Allen s hole with that long, uncut cock of his.
Brandon then began pounding Allen from behind, so comfortabl

  • 00:23:41
  • Mar 21, 2023
  • 76


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