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boomer banks & tayte hanson

Boomer Banks & Tayte Hanson met at a party in NYC a few years ago but the sparks didn’t fly until they got to know each other better at the Grabby’s last year. Of course as soon as Tayte got his hands on Boomer’s “anaconda” he has been impatiently waiting for the day when he’ll finally be able to enjoy it fully. And lucky for him - and us - that day is finally here. As they lounge around by the pool soaking up the new summer sun Tayte can’t help himself but be all over Boomer. After a few kisses Boomer is already hard and ready to get things started. Tayte makes his way down Boomer’s body where he finds one of the biggest cocks he’s ever seen his entire life - if not maybe THE biggest.
However, we all know Tayte loves a good challenge so it comes as no surprise when he swallows all of Boomer’s meat right down his throat without even gagging. With his watery eyes and spit dripping out his mouth he keeps deep-throating the big cock until he decides to get a taste of Boomer’s ass.

  • 00:27:00
  • Mar 09, 2023
  • 72


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