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brett swanson and ezra finn play a little muscle hunk football

Football season is under way and the one thing I hate most about it, is all that damn padding. Touch football is much better. Hot hunks in nothing more than shorts and a pig skin. Now that is what we need. And luckily for us, newcomer Ezra Finn loves football. He and Brett Swanson head off to the park to throw the ball around. Things get a little competitive and suddenly Ezra slams Brett down into the ground. The two roll around in the grass and Brett realizes it is time to take this inside. Ezra was very nervous. He told me that he had never even kissed a dude before, but he was definitely ready to give in to all of his curiosities. They started off kissing, and then Brett pushed Ezra down and pulled down his pants. Ezra was already hard. Brett went up and down on his cock. He loved the feeling of having a thick uncut cock touch the back of his throat. Then Ezra reached around and started to feel his ass. Brett has a nice smooth and muscled butt that is ready for a pounding. Ezra took his fingers and made Brett suck on them. He then took his fingers and slid them up Brett. Brett moaned out as the fingers entered his hole. He wanted more. So Ezra stuck his hard dick into boy butt for the first time. He was nervous at first. But after he felt the warm squeeze of that hole on his cock, he let it all go. They ended things in doggie style and Ezra started to pound the fuck out of Brett. Brett came all over the couch, and then Ezra pulled out and nutted all over his bubble butt. Welcome to the world of gay fucking, Ezra. I think you are going to like it here.

  • 00:17:16
  • Mar 21, 2023
  • 83


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