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diego sans gives scotty marx a long hard fuck

Diego and Scotty tried the straight bait, the foreign film, the gym locker room, the pizza boy delivery, the massage and even the home movie. But finally they decide that it does not matter what the set up is. They just want to fuck. They start it up with some dick sucking and then Diego rims Scott and gets his hole nice and wet. And once Diego gets rock hard, he basically needs to be inside someone. Diego proceeds to fuck the hell out of Scotty. He gets so into it, he can barely get the condom off before he nuts all over him. Then Diego bends down and takes all of that hot jizz in his mouth as Scotty unloads with cum. Be sure to check out the free gay porn trailer of this hot muscle action here at Randy Blue.

  • 00:29:35
  • Mar 08, 2023
  • 445


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