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straight stud jordan levine plays santa and gives jock greg jameson an xmas fuck.

In what may be the cheesiest Randy Blue Christmas story ever filmed, Jordan Levine has returned as the extra bearded and tatted up Santa Clause. And this time he is ready to give some presents to Greg Jameson. However this Santa only gives toys out to the boys who have been naughty. And these toys belong to FunFactoryUSA. Greg tells this stranger to get the fuck out of his house. But Jordan only needs to take his shirt off and show off his presents to get Greg in the mood. Jordan shoves a dildo up Greg, as he moans in delight. Then he takes the Cobre Libre dick stimulator and puts it on Greg, enveloping his cock. Jordan gets Greg so hard that he has to start sucking on him. They exchange blow jobs before Jordan decides to fuck Greg nice and good. They bang every which way, until finally they each take turns exploding cum into their mouths. Greg gets his first facial as they swap the loads back and forth and Jordan ends up with a beard full of white jizz. It does not matter what the climate is where you are. Because after this scene, you will be having a white Christmas.

  • 00:26:58
  • Mar 08, 2023
  • 289


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