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squirtual pisses with victoria daniels,abby lee by vipissy

VIPissy presents Victoria Daniels,Abby Lee in Squirtual . The magnificent Abby Lee is a blend of many charms rolled into one girl. She speaks with an American English accent, she has an impeccable physique, and she s a very capable pisser. Victoria has already experienced filming with us, and she bonds nicely with Abby s dynamic personality. One of Abby s best features is her erect pissing style when she spreads her legs and pees into the air. The first time catches Victoria off guard as she tries to intercept the stream with her mouth. She progressively gets better at it, capturing some solid bursts as Abby repeats herself. Victoria shines early on too, peeing in two parts, standing over Abby and pulling her panties aside before letting loose. After Abby takes some piss to her face from Victoria, she gets an anal piss enema, blasting Victoria in the face. She focuses on flushing it out, eventually causing her to pee backwards with a good amount of force. The atmosphere between both girls is highly addictive.We re also featuring a nice bts montage this week, with a look into a day in the life in filming. This includes a solo pee from Abby not included in the main video. The majority is filming the photography session with the girls, illustrating the amount of work and cooperation that goes on between the girls and the crew involved. Abby demonstrates how hard it can be to pee, even when she really needs to go. We hope you enjoy this special bonus!

  • 00:35:47
  • May 05, 2023
  • 343


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