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girlfriends with isabel dark,barbara bieber by vipissy

VIPissy presents Isabel Dark,Barbara Bieber in Girlfriends . Raven haired babes Barbara Bieber and Isabel Dark could practically be sisters since they look so similar! These girlfriends are feeling horny and waste no time as they start to kiss on the bed. Isabel lifts Barbara s top and licks her nipples before Barbara suddenly starts wetting her panties. Isabel licks her crotch and then lays down on the bed when Barbara licks her pussy through her panties too. These pissing lesbians start to strip and Barbara squats on the bed while pissing into a glass vase that Isabel is holding beneath her. She pours the collected golden pee all over Barbara s top as piss runs down over her big boobs, then not one to miss out on the fun, Isabel does exactly the same. Both girls get naked and share a big black dildo, while drenching each other in more golden showers. With so much pussy licking, pissing and lesbian action going on, you really couldn t wish for anything more from this HD Pissing scene!

  • 00:33:49
  • May 22, 2023
  • 201


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