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hand domination and wax play bdsm femdom with mistress sofi

Sadistic Mistress Sofi torments her humble guest. Domme in advance put a rope around the neck of her slave, then went up to him and took off his shirt. The confused submissive guy did not even know what awaited him. The Mistress took a candle and lit its wick, then, going up to her slave, Sofi began to drip hot wax on the naked body of the submissive guy. When the slave began to scream too much in pain, the Mistress got tired of it, so with the help of her hands she closed the slave s mouth, blocking the air for him. Hand over mouth is Goddess Sofie s favorite femdom practice. But when the beautiful hands of the Mistress began to get tired, she replaced them with her ass in a skirt - sitting on the face of the slave, still not allowing him to e (facesitting ass press femdom). But the BDSM torment with hot wax is not over yet, so Sofi after hand domination again returned to playing with wax and torments her slave.

  • 00:08:45
  • Feb 09, 2023
  • 157


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