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new concept pissy fucking with vinna reed by vipissy

VIPissy presents Vinna Reed in New Concept . It s the first day on the job for Vinna and she is already demonstrating just how ambitious she can be. Set on success, she arrives at the office ready to show off her concept to her new boss. Making her wait while he finishes his conversation on the phone makes Vinna a little more driven. She s not ready to be kept waiting, and she makes an abrupt choice that makes her boss realize that maybe his call can wait. He s in for a surprise as his sexy assistant gets bolder by the second, first revealing that she may have forgotten an important piece from her wardrobe, and then ruling it out as an accident. She climbs to his desk and spreads her legs open, moving to phase two of her plan. As Vinna begins to pee, he is perplexed as to how she has tapped into one of his innermost desires.

  • 00:33:19
  • Feb 24, 2023
  • 369


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