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erotique entertainment - girlfriend april brookes sucks and fucks eric john before other girlfriend riley reyes arrives - part 1 of 2

Erotique Entertainment and Eric John proudly present the first part of a two part film Poly partner RILEY REYES catches ERIC JOHN & APRIL BROOKES fucking and joins , a real life EricJohnsSexAdventures.

Eric John and his primary polyamory partner girlfriend Riley Reyes are waiting for their other girlfriend April Brookes to come over so the three of them can go out. Riley asks Eric asks April to find her white high heels so April can borrow them (because they match her white lacy outfit), and then goes to get ready.

Eric helps April put on the high heels, and is of course drawn to fucking her perfect sexy high heeled feet. April wants his big beautiful cock in her mouth and filling her pussy, and she doesn t want to wait until they all return from their night out.

April and Eric suck and eat and fuck eat other deliciously, and he covers her entire upper body with a huge wet cumload.

Go find part 2of2 to finish this orgasmic story!

  • 00:21:38
  • May 18, 2024
  • 47


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