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erotique entertainment - superhot 18-year-old blonde iris rose and 9 inch porn legend eric john fuck in the shower following the xrco awards - ericjohnssexadventures

Erotique Entertainment and Eric John proudly present a real life EricJohnsSexAdventure as superhot blonde 18-year-old lover IRIS ROSE enjoys his big beautiful cock after their star-studded night out.

Iris and Eric have just attended the XRCO (X-Rated Critics Organization) Awards so both are dressed like the sexual rockstars they are. The heady combination of paparazzi on the Red Carpet and their ultra-sexy coworkers dressed to the nines at the Awards Show have them horny as hell as they return home to their bathroom to get undressed.

Eric’s hand firmly grasp Iris’ delicious perfect breasts, and she strokes his aching hard erection with her sparkly platform heels. Soon she is down sucking his dick and balls and his huge cock is all over he smokey eyes made-up face.

Her little ball tongue-piercing adds extra delight as her expert lips and tongue find every special area for maximum pleasure.

Eric puts her up on the counter, pulls her barely there outfit aside,

  • 00:15:57
  • Jun 09, 2023
  • 110


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