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horny guys cum clean

Ralph and Apollo get way more than they bargained for, when they visit their friend Johnny s house. His step Mom Jenna opens the door and she is stacked. She has the phattest ass busting out the bottom of the littlest shorts she can find. Huge tits also about to burst out of her crop top. She lets them know Johhny is not home, but they can wait on him inside while she cleans. As they sit and stare at Jenna’s ass and tits recoiling all over as she cleans the kitchen; Ralph has had about as much as he can take. He whips his dick out and starts masturbating. Apollo begs him to cut it out, but the power of horniest is too strong and he joins Ralph in fapping. Jenna Catches them and they plead with her. She is looking way too good for them to have any self-control. She feels bad and doesn’t want them to catch blue balls, so she lets them rub oil on her ass so they can have a good release. As the two worship her voluptuous ass and tits, Jenna is now horny as well and decides to have a cleani

  • 00:46:30
  • Sep 03, 2024
  • 1616


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