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blake mitchell & levi karter

Welcome back to Camp CockyBoys AND the return of Blake Mitchell in his long-awaited first scene with Levi Karter! Thanks to the times we re living in, things may be different at Camp CockyBoys this year, BUT Levi & Blake make their time alone together even more special. They catch up on their unique life-altering experiences, reminisce about past Camp CockyBoys parties, and make new memories enjoying privacy, nature, home cooking, fun in the pool...and passionate sex.
After frolicking in the pool Levi sees Blake getting hard and in no time gets his trunks off so he can suck and deep-throat Blake s big uncut dick. Blake soon moves from the edge of the pool and lies back in the lounge chair where Levi s spot-on focused blowjob brings him right to the edge. However, Blake stops him so he can give Levi equally pleasurable sucking.It s all so good they just have to fuck.
Levi takes Blake to the more secluded & intimate porch where he resumes deep-sucking him. This time thoug

  • 00:39:41
  • Feb 16, 2023
  • 207


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