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petite brunette natalia nix passionate fuck and facial - real girls fuck

Petite, brunette, and gorgeous, Natalia Nix, texted me all week long. She teased by sending me photos while she was at work, home, and even out with friends. She told me how badly she wanted my cock to stretch out her tight little pussy and how much she couldn’t wait for it to be inside her. When she sent me pictures, she was dripping wet, and almost every picture had a puddle under her. She decided to come over after work one day, she showered, and I left a sleek light pink lingerie set out for her. As soon as she came out, I immediately walked up to her, and started kissing her. We made it to the bed and I ran my lips down her body which I longed for all week. I made my way from her neck, to her tits, to her stomach, her inner thighs, and then her throbbing pulsating pussy. I spit all over her clit and ran my tongue against it like I hadn’t ate in weeks, fuck she tasted so good. Later, we fucked in multiple positions, kissing, and touching, passionately until I came all over her

  • 00:34:58
  • Feb 22, 2023
  • 202


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