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foot servitude femdom - toe sucked, feet licking and foot worship for mistress sofi

Another lesson in servicing Mistress Sofie s feet for a young white-haired slave. The depraved Princess Sofi, dressed in leather leggings, sat down in her chair-throne, and the submissive guy took his place - kneeling in front of his Queen. The strict and impartial Sofi did not at all attach importance to the fact that this was the first experience of a young slave in serving a girl and licking her feet. Therefore, as soon as the slave began to lick the bare feet of his Mistress, Sofi immediately took him by the hair and thrust his mouth deeper onto her toes. The slave obediently and passionately sucks the toes of his Mistress and runs his tongue along her entire bare foot. The princess was aroused by such obedience and passion of her slave, so she with particular pleasure stretched his mouth with her legs using foot gagging and foot humiliation female domination.

  • 00:07:37
  • Jan 31, 2023
  • 332


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