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the dungeon diaries: sitting on the queen s throne

In this erotic tale, submissive Kyle has always dreamed of serving a powerful Domme like Miss Safiya. His dream comes true when he finally gets an appointment with her in her luxurious dungeon.

Miss Safiya, dressed in a tight corset and fishnet stockings, warmly welcomes him to her throne room. She tests Kyle s worthiness by instructing him to prove himself before they can proceed. Kyle humbly begs for permission to serve Miss Safiya.

Miss Safiya grants his request but makes it clear that he must worship her body, starting with her breasts and moving on to her ass and pussy while she sits majestically upon a queening chair. Kyle is more than eager to obey, licking and sucking every inch of Miss Safiya s exquisite body as she teases him, prolonging the experience.

Throughout this encounter, Kinky Kyle learns he must work hard to earn another session with his dominant queen. This story explores themes of submission, sexual worship, and power dynamics between a Domme

  • 00:07:21
  • Feb 11, 2024
  • 26


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