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only gold digger - gold digger audi porking with linda leclair and raul costa (1080)

Only Gold Digger by The Only3x Network of sites presents Linda Leclair in Gold Digger Audi Porking with Linda Leclair and Raul Costa in 1080.GOLD DIGGER - Audi PORKING Its a lovely day in the countryside and our hero (played by stud RAUL) is quietly enjoying the view by the side of a gleaming new Audi. Along comes Gold Digger LINDA LECLAIR, tall, leggy, with the kind of ass men die for, out for a country jog - though Linda`s idea of a jog is what you and me call a fuck!Dressed in tight running pants, she spots the Audi with the intensity of a born gold digger bitch, and then claims to have sprained her ankle. RAUL offers to massage it as he tells her all about the car. LINDA is turned on and admits that expensive fast cars and then men who drive them make her feel horny! Soon she is coming on strong to the guy and suggesting they fuck on the spot. He is also turned on - but much wiser; he suggests a friend`s place not far away. They get into the vehicle and roar away.At the house

  • 00:49:19
  • Jul 12, 2019
  • 203


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