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xanthia lombardi gets the fuck tour of tenerife

Xanthia was wandering around really aimlessly on the island of Tenerife. This is when she notices Regio arriving in his nice car shouting at him offering directions and such.
Xanthia looks at the car - then looks at the guy and she arouses immediately. That s it - I found the guy just perfect for me! And right away she hops in.
The tour of Tenerife is short - they end up in a remote part of the island. And almost immediately Xanthia knows what she wants to do. That would be sucking that guys dick first and doing... other stuff, you know.
All for the wealth! This is what turns that lady on. For that she happily takes a nice cock in her mouth deep. Face fuck is nothing of hardship for her. She looks up - do you like it? You want something else? You want more? Do you want my pussy?
Of course he wants to. So Xanthia just sits on top of his hard and erected cock and takes it in deep - first in reverse cowgirl style. That girl is deep! The dick goes into those pussy balls deep.

  • 00:32:19
  • Jun 11, 2022
  • 394


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