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amber rayne & raven black vs. richard mann & rico shades

yall know I was pounding Raven Black for many years until she quit the biz. She asked me once if I wanted to do a 4some with her, Rico Shades and Amber Rayne. Yall know how much I love Amber Rayne and I said yes before she would even get the word. Oh what a day it was. Both Amber Rayne and Raven Black are what I term Super Whores. They will set your dick on fire. They both love role playing and wanted to play like they were 2 chicks giving away pussy pussy for cheap or as they spelled it Cheep. Me and Rico are in a dark alley when Raven and Amber pull up in a fuckin shopping cart. They go BeastMode on Rico and I and oh boy did they serve us. I actually thought these whores would injury my cock. I fucked Raven many times but rarely is she this insane. She was going insane cause she knows that Amber Rayne is a dirty filthy 3Hole Whore, and proud of it. Amber has a greedy mouth, pussy and ass hole and no time in dropping to her knees and starts down 2 BBC, she had massive help from Raven

  • 00:23:01
  • Jul 12, 2022
  • 530


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