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fisting a tatted baddies ass

The very lovely Gia Lovely is enjoying her music with her head phones on but her room mate and best friend, Rebecca Vanguard, has something different in mind ;) Rebecca touches her softly and starts to kiss and lick on Gia s tattooed neck. Maybe Gia has been feeling the same way just as Rebecca expected! Kissing each other for the first time they rub each other and start to take each other s clothes off. Gia begins worshipping Rebecca s all natural breasts but she cuts her short because she has always been attracted to Gia s tattooed chest and extra large breasts. Her tattooed nipples make Rebecca so horny! Gia wants to rock Rebecca s world so she grabs their sword dildo with a long, girthy cock attached to it. She slowly inserts the large, veiny dildo into Rebecca in doggy style. Once she gets the dildo inside of her tight, hairy pussy Gia begins thrusting into Rebecca s tight little pussy. At first, Rebecca isn t so sure but then she begins to enjoy the way it stretches her pussy. Sh

  • 00:22:00
  • Aug 14, 2022
  • 257


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