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foreplay in l.a. with persia monir

People tell me I m a lucky guy and there s times where I rack my brain to find evidence to the contrary. I ve had my share of struggles/demons/etc., but then I remember that so has anyone who has truly lived. These past two weeks of AVN and XBIZ have felt like a small, but noticeable leap forward for my career and I have been counting my blessings. If I rack my brain now, I would now agree with the comments that indeed I am lucky guy who is living the dream. It doesn t matter if the comments are coming from people who are envious, bitter, proud, or happy for or at me because fucking Mature MILFs, especially ones as hot as Persia Monir is one of life s simple pleasures. There s not much else about this clip that needs to be said other than what I believe to be a fact: this vid is hot. If you like Persia Monir, me, mixed women, half Middle Eastern women with southern accents, super hot mature MILFS/GILFS, big tits, big asses, feet worship, rimjobs, pussy eating, creampies, and lots of pa

  • 00:32:02
  • Jan 20, 2023
  • 10295


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