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getting to know our feet feat astrodomina & lola vixen

I think it s time you got to know our feet even more, so get your cock out and get ready to worship!

NOTE: This is a stereoscopic VR video, make sure you have the proper headset to view it!

Goddess Sydney is back with her new filipina friend, Lola Vixen, and they can see how excited you re already getting looking at their feet. Lola is pretty new to all of this, but its obvious she already loves teasing foot boys like you. And so, they re going to let you jerk for them, and if you re good and do what they say they just MIGHT allow you to cum, but only when they say so! Slowly they both reveal their perfect soles in your face and Sydney teaches Lola exactly how you want it. You want those wrinkles in your face while they tease you huh? You want to smell their toes? I bet you do!

Are you jerking away yet? You had better slow down. They don t want you popping too soon. Don t forget, you have to worship their feet first. They want your tongue buried in their toes while

  • 00:09:29
  • Mar 22, 2025
  • 5

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