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you have to lick the dirty sneakers of two girls after chasing them while looking at their butts

You saw two girls in tight leggings in the park and started to follow them to admire their gorgeous asses. Kira and Sofi do not see you and communicate while walking in the park. But then the girls decided to specifically go into a remote area where there are no people to lead you into a trap. All of a sudden the girls notice you and immediately point you to their dirty sneakers - kiss and lick them! You nasty loser, you can not even dream about our asses, you can only lick the dirt from the soles of our sneakers. Kira and Sofi deliberately soil their sneakers on the ground and order you to clean this dirt with your tongue. The girls spit on the ground and order you to lick their saliva off the dirty ground. Then Kira decided to take off her sneaker so you could sniff it from the inside. Then for you to smell the smell of her sweaty sock and sweaty bare foot. These are dirty POV femdom humiliations from two girls in a public park.

  • 00:06:40
  • Mar 29, 2023
  • 166


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