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step-porn led to my pussy squirting - olivia jay -

New relationships can be exciting, including blended families. When Olivia s mom remarries, Olivia can t help but notice her new stepdad Jonathan. Neither can Olivia s friends who just won t stop teasing her about fucking him! All that talk gets to Olivia and when she hears her stepdad in the bathroom - obviously watching porn - she decides to burst in on him. She catches her bewildered stepdad jerking his massive cock off with both hands - to taboo stepdaughter porn! Olivia thinks she has Jonathan right where she wants him until he points out her pussy has been dripping down her thigh. Pervert! Suffice to say, after a quick negotiation Olivia jerks her stepdad s big dick off. Then he sat her on the sink and ate her out. Olivia s wet pussy started creaming as soon as it was stuffed with her stepfather s fat penis. It didn t take long for this horny stepdaughter to start squirting everywhere. She soaked her stepdad s cock and half the room in her sweet pussy juice before taking his big

  • 00:41:56
  • Jul 16, 2023
  • 228


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