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welcome back to the infamous bait bus weve got plenty of new faces all the more reason to see the saga continue carmellas great natural tits are the perfect bait abrahams desire for straight cock was the motive and getting all it all on film for you guys is why were here so yeah we came across christian in one of the local college campuses and got him to talk to us after shooting the shit we come to find out that hes a biochem major one smart cookie huh at least he thought so once inside i noticed that he couldnt stop staring at mellas round boobs hook then we tell him about our porn motives and how we needed a test cock for my submission tape yada yada yada we get to the back seat and convince him to let mella give him head while blindfolded and thats when the duty was done abraham stepped in and blew his mind nothing like an anonymous blowjob to get things ce the blindfold was taken off the chaos began all sorts of yelling cursing denial and anger just flying out of christians mouth

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 21, 2006
  • 175


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