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all american boy...

Hey guys welcome back, we got a great movie for you guys. This week Steve needed to get some dick so he rode around all day on the bait bus with us. He was yearning for an All American boy next door type of guy, so as soon as we spotted a nice looking white boy, we stopped the bus. We came at him with some stupid story about needing an interview for our school project, (what a dufus), and he bought it. After some convincing he got on the bus. Carmella sat next to him to do his interview, and she asked him all types of questions regarding his sexual life. They hit it off, so he thought, she told him she wanted to do a porn with him to get back at her teacher, and turn that tape in instead of the real tape, and again he bought it. She put the blindfold on him, had Steve suck his dick, and when he took off the blindfold, he was pissed. So we offered him some money to fuck Steve in his ass. He said that had no price, so I offered him two thousand dollars, and again he fell for it, fucked

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 07, 2006
  • 118


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