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all american college boy

Hey guys what s up. I have a great video for all of you this week. We picked up a really hot guy, this guy named Brock. We were driving around the colleges here in Miami, looking for an educated all American boy. We drove through some dorms and found this guy just waiting outside. He comes up to the bus, tells us he s actually looking for a place to live while he attends college here in Miami. Brandy tells him she goes to college here too, and she needed some volunteers to help her with her school project. He didn t want to at first, but after staring at Brandy s boobs a while, he ended up saying yes. Little did he know what he was in for. We played it off pretty well, we ended up blindfolding him while his dick got sucked by Jamie. When he saw Jamie, he really wasn t that surprised, he acted mad, but I think he might of actually enjoyed it. We told him we would pay him to fuck Jamie, and then he could fuck Brandy afterwards, but he wasn t going for it. So I ended up offering him more

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 07, 2007
  • 96


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