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transformation of fan to star porn

Whats up gays and gals? this week we at the bait bus were sitting around and thinking of new and creative ways to turn them gay and so Ryann came up with a genius idea. lets d that Jessie is a famous porn star and trick an unsuspecting fan into hanging out with us possibly having lunch then have sex with her. and Ryann would pose as the body guard. so we found Alec and brought him back to the bus, he was stoked to be there hanging out with the fabulous Jessie. but when it came time for sex and we proposed the blind fold he was all down for the kinky porn star style blow job he was about to receive. when he found out it was in fact Ryann all hell broke loose and he wanted out! but as we all know money talks and we convinced him to fuck Ryann up the ass . this is a must see!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 06, 2008
  • 86


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