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five grand to drill the ass

The bait bus is once again driving around housing the young, restless, and irrefutably horny. As usual they are talking about sex, and they are trying to get some dick for Steven’s asshole. They pulled up in a shopping mall parking lot, and met up with Sebastian, who had a flat tire, and in exchange for directions they gave him a lift. Sunshine starts to get flirty with Sebastian and shows of her boobs, only as a way of getting Sebastian to take his clothe off. The blind fold goes on; Steven climbs in to suck the cock, and once the blind fold comes off, Sebastian becomes a bastion of anger that had to be penetrated by cold hard cash. So for $5,000 and with the promise of fucking Sunshine, Sebastian has to fuck Steven for 15min.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 12, 2008
  • 106


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