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hugo s test!

Hugo is an alumni of a school, which school?, he didn t detail. Hugo needs a ride to school and Sunshine with much grace agrees to give him a ride. While the ride is in course Sunshine confesses to him that they are out in production of a documentary; would you like to be in it? They asked Hugo. Hugo agrees and is prepared for a sensory test in looks to explain how when one sense is omitted the others enhance. Hugo is blindfolded; convinced that Sunshine is going to perform a blowjob. The blowjob commences and Hugo is quickly aroused. Minutes to the act he is asked to remove the blindfold and regain his visual composure as the blowjob continues. To his surprise is not Sunshine who is performing the blowjob. Hugo then is lured by money to complete the test. Hugo agrees and the test goes through completely. Join us in this test.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 01, 2009
  • 120


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