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wtf!! i m scared for life

So today we have the pleasure of cruising around Miami with cole but the only problem is we are missing our bait. We swing through the groove and pick up Alexis, she takes us by the local shopping district and we happen to spot our next victim. Greg seems to be iffy about the proposal we give him, but after a few mins of back and forth he finally gets on the bus. Once inside we lay it all on the line and let Alexis work her magic, we get him blind folded and let Cole start working out his mouth. Once he finds out what he got himself into he nearly looses it, but after explaining that he was being tested and he cant be a porn star unless he passes this test he is ready to pay his dues. Hope you all enjoy.

  • 01:02:24
  • Jul 28, 2011
  • 142


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